DGFP Logistics Tools
How it's used:
The Supply Chain Information Portal (SCIP) helps to ensure availability of RH commodities at all levels, which eventually help reduce unwanted pregnancies and population growth—steps toward reaching the relevant Millennium Development Goals. National, regional and Upazila (sub-district) officials of Directorate General of Family Planning (DGFP) enter procurement and logistics related data in the portal and the dashboard presents Charts, Maps and Tables for decision makers. The portal is unique in terms of information management in the public sector.
The portal consists of four different information blocks:
- Procurement Tracker
- Logistics Management Information System
- Stock Status of Contraceptives
- Operational Status of MIS Tools
- Procurement Tracker allows relevant stakeholders to track the status of the procurement process every step of the way, which helps prevent delays while also promoting transparency.
- The Logistics Management Information System and Stock Status Report provide information on the availability of government-owned RH commodities and raise an alert regarding possible shortages or overages.
- SCIP also hosts a discussion board, document archive, photo gallery, news, current tender opportunities, tender results etc.
- Users can monitor the operational status of MIS Tools running at the warehouse and Upazila (sub-district) levels.
- It only tracks government-owned RH commodities
Where it has been applied:
Directorate General of Family Planning under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,Bangladesh
Language availability:
To learn more, please download "SCIP"
Procurement Tracker
The Online Procurement Tracker (OPT) is a computer program developed by the Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems (SPS) Program/Management Sciences for Health (MSH) for the Directorate General of Family Planning (DGFP).
How it's used:
The Procurement Tracker (PT) is a web-based tool which allows monitoring of procurement packages in a single location. PT provides information on procurement delays & bottlenecks which facilitates management decision making.
- Allows monitoring of procurement packages through interactive Dashboard.
- Procurement packages are monitored by milestones and delays trigger automated alerts.
- Drills down for detailed information on progress of procurement packages.
- Helps to reduce lead time of procurement processes.
- Facilitates efficient and effective procurement management.
- Promotes transparency.
- Secure site with encrypted data transfer.
- Not a complete e-procurement system.
- Entry operators need to know procurement process and training on software.
Where it has been applied:
Directorate General of Family Planning under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh
Language availability:
To learn more, please download "Online PT"

Web-based eLMIS
The web-based Logistics Management Information System (eLMIS) is software, originally developed by the USAID|DELIVER ROJECT and updated by the Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems (SPS) Program/Management Sciences for Health (MSH) for the Directorate General of Family Planning (DGFP).
How it's used:
The web-based Logistics Management Information System (eLMIS) is a tool which acts as a central repository of logistics data of RH commodities. eLMIS maintains stock status of commodities and consumption data from all tiers.
- Monitoring of stock position at all levels through interactive Dashboard.
- Allows monitoring of consumption trend of RH commodities.
- Quickly identify Upazila (Sub-district) & field level stock-out situation & take necessary action
- It facilitates stock adjustments considering requirement of commodities.
- Dashboard to drill down from national to district, Upazila (Sub-district) & field level data.
- Allows monitoring of monthly logistics report submission & data accuracy.
- Improves supply chain monitoring at all levels.
- Need active internet connection to upload data to central site.
- Real time stock status not available as reports are submitted monthly.
Where it has been applied:
Directorate General of Family Planning under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh
Language availability:
To learn more, please download "Web-based eLMIS"

The Upazila Inventory Management System (UIMS) is a computer program developed by the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT and updated by the Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems (SPS) Program/Management Sciences for Health (MSH) for the Directorate General of Family Planning (DGFP)
How it's used:
The Upazila Inventory Management System (UIMS) is a software to maintain inventory at Upazila (Sub-district) family planning stores. It enables Upazila Family Planning Store staff to maintain stock of commodities, monitor field reporting, generates supply plan, automated issue voucher generation & automated monthly Logistics Management Information System (eLMIS) reporting.
- Automatically calculates supply quantity based on historical data.
- Automatically generates issue vouchers based on supply plan.
- Generates monthly eLMIS report and allows one-click upload to central web site (Supply Chain Information Portal -SCIP)
- No need to enter field staff names every month in supply plan and issue voucher, which reduces workload of Upazila staff.
- Permits the user to monitor reporting & performance of field staff.
- Can be considered as a digital stock ledger for any Upazila.
- Not web based. Requires training to operate.
Where it has been applied:
Directorate General of Family Planning under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh
Language availability:
UIMS is currently installed in 488 upazila stores out of 488. Click HERE to get the operational status of UIMS at different upazilas.
To learn more, please download "UIMS"

The Warehouse Inventory Management System (WIMS) is a computer program developed by the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT and currently maintained by the Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems (SPS) Program/Management Sciences for Health (MSH) for the Directorate General of Family Planning (DGFP).
How it's used:
The Warehouse Inventory Management System (WIMS) is a software to maintain inventory at family planning warehouses at district level. It enables warehouse staff to maintain stock of commodities & monthly Logistics Management Information System (eLMIS) reporting.
- Permits users to receive commodities from both Local & International shipments
- Has batch/lot and expiry date tracking for RH commodities.
- Permits users to issue commodities maintaining First-Expiry-First-Out (FEFO).
- Can be considered as a digital stock ledger for the warehouse.
- Not web based.
- Requires training to operate.
- Not a complete warehouse management system.
Where it has been applied:
Directorate General of Family Planning under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Banglades
Language availability:
WIMS is currently installed in all 21 DGFP warehouses. Click HERE to get the operational status of WIMS at different upazilas.
For any questions on above tools, please contact sps@msh.org.